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Healing of the Soul

Soul Healing Programme
What are Constellations? How Constellations Work Constellation Q&A

Systemic Constellations and Trans-Generational Therapy

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What Are Constellations?

Without being aware of it we carry on the unprocessed emotional loads (entanglements) of our ancestors and manifest them on a subconscious level in our lives. Without us noticing, these emotional loads can have profound, at times destructive consequences. Because we don’t live our lives as isolated individual but as part of a system (our family, our environment) these consequences involve not only us but also the people around us. Simplified, all forms of relationships can be seen as systems. Anything that can be described as a system can be constellated (given gestalt and a voice).

Trans-generational healing is based on the concept, that we don’t gather our experiences and knowledge solely through learning during our live journey, but that we incorporate events from our family soul. These events from the past create the rules and behaviour pattern a system (e.g. our family) is govern by. It makes us develop behaviour and beliefs that we are sometimes even not aware of or that we simply can’t explain, but that have a major impact on our happiness and success in life.

Working in a healing space called “the knowing field”, allows us to visualize and to express the unconsciousness, bypassing the analytical mind. Our intuition kicks in and while speaking with the “language of the soul” enables us to work through unresolved and repressed aspects. The result is:  relaxation, awareness and peace becoming an integral part of an improved life.

Family constellations originate from the methods of contextual therapy of Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, the psychodrama therapy of Jacob Levy Moreno and the family therapy theory of Virginia Satir in the 1960s. Gregory Bateson, the father of the systemic psychotherapy, finally developed the meta-sample – a universal rule for the structure of systems.

Showing remarkable success in a much shorter timeframe than classical psychotherapy, systemic constellation work developed into an acknowledged method to support not only family therapy but also coaching in companies, treatment for children with problems and a valuable tool in the health care systems.

When constellations can help:

You struggle with your behaviour, you have phases of depression or anxiety? You keep having arguments with family members, experiencing resentment, aggression or lack of communication? You can’t keep a happy partnership, keep falling for the wrong partner or can’t find a partner at all? You keep falling sick, suffer since years from chronic pain or can’t loose weight? You don’t seem to make progress in your job, you find it difficult to find work or keep have a running in with your boss?

Constellations can’t only help you to improve your quality of life, clarify relationships and enable you making vital decisions, they also can be helpful in solving problems with your pets, your home or your company. Constellations can support children to overcome learning issues, aggression problems, unexplained irrational behaviour and many more.

What constellations can do for you:

If you are looking for change, decisions, clarification, stabilisation or new orientation constellations can provide you a non-judgemental, clear picture of “what is” and support you in finding a new view for a harmonious solution.

Constellation Session can provide answers for:

“I seem to have problems with relationships”

“My wife is so cold towards me”

“My team is not performing”

“I can’t except my stepmother”

“I love him, but he is so difficult”

“I struggle to stay in my marriage. Shall I leave?”

“I feel lost and empty”

“I am not good enough for my father”

“My boss doesn’t value me”

“My son is addicted to drugs”

“My drinking has become a problem”

“My children are not listening to me”

“I don’t know if I should stay in my company or take the new offer”

“I can’t seem to find the right job for me”

“Is being self-employed the right thing for me?”

< How Constellations Work >