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Healing of the Soul

Soul Healing Programme
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Systemic Constellations and Trans-Generational Therapy

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Aromera Soul Healing Programme

The AROMERA Soul Healing Programme offers Family and Organisational (Business) Constellations, based on family and systemic therapy theories from Jocob Levy Moreno, Virginia Satir, Gregory Bateson and Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy. As complementing tool, I add the concepts of Positive Psychology originated by Martin Seligman and Neuro-Imaginative Gestalting (NIG) by Eva Madelung and Barbara Innecken.

While most therapies work with a version of your surrounding that you are aware of consciously, the AROMERA Soul Healing Programme visualises the sub-conscious picture of our reality. This enables you to become aware of your sub-conscious behaviour, feeling and thinking patterns, which keep interacting in a negative way with your surrounding (system) like your family, your friendship circle or your work place.

AROMERA Constellations do not work with situation analysis or judging or blaming. Working on the level of the soul, Constellations try to heal with love, where love is not felt anymore because logic and rationalism are running your life.

Sometimes, in just one session you can see and adjust the sub-conscious picture of your perceived world, which helps you to acknowledge issues that you weren’t aware of before, which caused constant harm to your family life, success in business or your health.  

Experience the magic of this soul work and start healing your soul with every participation in a Constellation, either in group or in one-to-one sessions.

< What Are Constellations? >