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Healing of the Soul

Soul Healing Programme
What are Constellations? How Constellations Work Constellation Q&A

Systemic Constellations and Trans-Generational Therapy

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Constellations - Commonly Asked Questions

What is the difference between Constellations and other therapies?

Constellations provide some major advantages over other therapies. The first is that it often takes  only a single session, instead of year-long attendance of regular sessions to solve your issue. Second, although other parties involved in your issue don’t need to be present, they get integrated into the therapy through other representatives. Thus the session addresses the whole system you are working/living in, rather than just fixing only an isolated part of the problem. Third, Constellations don’t operate on a rational, logical basis but rather on a sub-conscious (we call it the soul level) and thus doesn’t work with arguments or confrontation. The language of the soul tries to restore harmony in the system and works on a non-judgemental, non-accusative level.

How long does a Constellation session take?

With the initial briefing a one-to-one session can take up to two hours. It is not recommended to work longer than this because the session goes to a very deep, emotional level which can be draining and exhausting.

A group session can take from 3 hours to a whole day with breaks, depending on how many Constellations are done. The number of Constellations per sessions depends mostly on the intensity or each Constellation.

Are Constellations a recognised therapeutic tool?

In the beginning – some 20 years ago - Constellations were seen as the new “esoteric miracle method” for resolving persistent personal difficulties and old conflicts inside the family. Meanwhile, astounding effectiveness has been scientifically documented and constellations are established as highly time/cost effective diagnostic and resolution instrument used in coaching and conventional therapy.

What is the intention of Constellations?

The members of a family seem to be connected over generations – regardless if there is a close contact or no contact at all, regardless if the members are still alive or already deceased. Energies in form of emotions (anger, fear, feeling of loss, shame, guilt, helplessness, etc.) follow the physical rules and persist by being handed over from generation to generation. These unresolved emotions express themselves in form of depression, unsuccessful partnerships and/or business life and reoccurring behaviours that can limit our way of becoming a happy, healthy, fulfilled person.

This all happens on an unconscious level. We experience the problems, see them happen again and again, but we don’t seem to be able to break the pattern. Constellations visualize these hidden dynamics thus helping us to face the situation the way it really is rather than the way we think it is. Seeing the facts enables us to finally make the necessary changes.

How do Constellations work?

Constellations can be done with a group or in a one-to-one session.

In a group session, Constellations work with the difficult to explain phenomenon of “representative perception”. The client (with the issue) chooses representatives for each person involved in the conflict from the group of people. He then places each chosen representative in specifics place in the room (the so called “Knowing Field”). Without having received any information, these representatives of family members experience in a surprisingly precise way emotions, say words or even show symptoms from the real person. This way it is possible to uncover forgotten or unseen family members or family events, that can be reintegrated to help complete and heal the system again.

But also health issues, symptoms, blockages or barriers as well as business concerns can be visualized in constellations.

The soul of the client understands the pictures of the constellation which often provide a deep and dramatic insight and trigger long-term profound changes. The changes of the constellation towards a solution can bring a surprisingly healing effect for the individual and his family. It initiates a new loving behaviour towards himself and towards others.

In the one-to-one session the representatives are substitutes by wooden figures or other devices the client might choose (cups, cushions, etc). Although the figures don’t provide verbal feedback like live representatives, their position on the table and their line of sight provide a clear message.

It is also possible to work with so called “floor anchors”, which can be sheets of paper with the name of the representative or the issue written on it. The client himself will be placed on each position and get direct feedback (emotions, thoughts, temperature, etc.) from each place. This method can be much more intensive for the client than watching neutral representatives in a group session.

Indispensable for both methods is the willingness to attend this kind of work without reservation, set expectations and to be open to what it reveals. Only when the shown picture is acknowledged, the willingness to change can bring the healing solution.

Where can a Constellation help?

Constellations are helpful for people who:

… and many more…

Please see Meet-up for calendar and details of our next session.