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Healing of the Soul

Soul Healing Programme
What are Constellations? How Constellations Work Constellation Q&A

Systemic Constellations and Trans-Generational Therapy

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How Constellations Work

There are two ways to exercise a constellation, either in a group with people available to be placed as so called representatives, or in a one-to-one session with representative substitutes. Both methods are managed by a facilitator which assists in defining the real issue, supervises the constellation process and intervenes to find a solution and result.

Constellations in a Group

In a group constellation, a client formulates a personal, family or work relationship problem for which he is looking for a resolution. The client then chooses a group member from the circle of participants as a stand-in or representative for themselves and for each person or family member involved in his issue. He then places or constellates them according to his inner view, in relation to each other, within the circle or constellation space. Then the magic begins. The representatives in their respective places (called knowing field), access perceptions of the people they are representing. The facilitator works in tune with each representative through feeling and healing questions and through movement (e.g. changing position) until a final new inner view is found. At the end of the constellation this new family image replaces the old inner image in the client.

If you would like to participate as a client in a group constellation, please register with AROMERA and state your issue with the facilitator before the session.

Group sessions are held on a regular basis at various locations in Abu Dhabi. To find out about the date/location for the next session, please see details on Meet-up.

Constellations in a One-to-One Session

In a one-to-one constellation, the people available to be representatives are substituted with “floor anchors” (pieces of paper with the name of the person they are representing written on) or little wooden figures. Same as in the group session a client formulates a personal, family or work relationship problem for which he is looking for a resolution. The client then chooses a figure from the selection of wooden figures (or floor anchors) to represent himself and for each person or family member involved in his issue. He then places or constellates them according to his inner view, in relation to each other, on a board on a table or on the floor. Magically he is able to access the perceptions of the people represented through the puppets or the floor anchors. Again the facilitator addresses her feeling and healing questions directly to the client and initiates movement (i.e. changing position of the puppets/floor anchors) until a final new inner view is found. Again, at the end of the constellation this new family image replaces the old inner image in the client.

One-to-One sessions are held at request at various locations in Abu Dhabi & Dubai. To book your personal one-to-one session, please contact us.

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